A brief note about Holy Thursday: what we commemorate today is nothing less than a total reversal of all that we assume to be valuable in this world - power, prestige and possessions. Jesus did this in two very distinct moments that we generally overlook, except on this day.
The first thing that Jesus did that changes everything is that he gave us “communion”. This is not just a stale tasting piece of bread that a man (usually) in robes hands out to those who are “worthy”. Nothing could be further from the truth! What Jesus very intentionally put into place was a way for him to be “in” us. He is no longer “out there” somewhere, but physically taking up residence in our bodies - leading, guiding, speaking and experiencing our life “in our skin”. This why we proclaim at Christmas time with full voice his name: Emmanuel, God with us!
Communion is solidarity. Communion is favor and advocacy and empathy. Communion means NO separation. This changed the way mankind had perceived God since the very beginning, and it can radically change your views and your LIFE this Holy Thursday!
Another thing that Jesus did to change the dynamics in his relationship to us comes through this statement:
I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.

Please come tonight to the Holy Thursday service as we commemorate these astounding acts of Jesus. Come ready to receive love like you’ve never experienced it before. We will participate in communion. We will wash one another's feet. We will begin to undo the false ideas of God that we’ve held for so long. That, is called healing.
Holy Thursday 7PM
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