Thursday, June 27, 2013

meant for good

It’s hard to believe that yet another “school year” has come to a close and we are in that time of year when things are a bit less scheduled. What a relief for those with kids to be able to enjoy a long summer evening with out the pressure of school schedules and activities. Likewise, those without kids around can enjoy less traffic on the way to work!

Summer is a welcome gift from God. It is a time of rest and     reflection—exactly what God did after having created this beautiful world. He rested from his work and reflected seeing that “It was very good.” (Gen. 1:31—2:2) There are moments in life when that reflection allows us to sense God’s presence very near to us. It could be  during a predawn walk or gazing at the stars in the summer sky. You might feel  his gentle presence in a warm breeze or hear his voice in the tumbling waters of a woodland stream. The laughter of a family gathering can overwhelm us with a sense of goodness. 
The point is that these times are vital to our existence. They connect us with the reality that we are, in fact, eternal beings with a connection to all of God’s  creation—each with a role to play. This awareness can easily get lost in the hectic schedules that we keep, but the truth of our unique identity is never lost to God. We are literally created by him, “knit together in our mother’s womb”, at such a time and for a purpose that only you  can bring to completion! Just imagine, if only one of your  ancestors,  for as far back as you can possibly go, had chosen a different path—you would not exist! Can you see how specific everything had to be to get you! God was very intentional about arranging things so that you would be you!
So where does this leave you? It presents you with an open door to journey on a path toward fulfilling the purpose for which God has created you. You are the only one who can bring forth the goodness that God created you to establish through your life. 

Quite simply, summer reminds us that our lives are meant to produce fruit! Most fruit is quite beautiful, delicious and  satisfying. When life is hectic and you’re wondering which way to go, remember that you are meant to bring about goodness. You simply bring light into a dark world. It’s so simple, Jesus said, that a child understands it. A child wants things to be good. You are to be that goodness!  

This summer, take some time to reflect on how good God is and how you can bring simple goodness to those he’s placed in your life. No need to solve the world’s problems, just bring light and goodness wherever you go!                       ~Amy

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