Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thy Kingdom Come

God’s work in the world is validated by the fulfilling of His word! What has been foretold has come to pass! How many people can say that the exact time, place and circumstances of their birth were foretold thousands of years prior? Jesus’ was. How many can say that the work and accomplishments they would complete in their lifetime have been foretold and documented thousands of years before they even lived? Jesus’ were. How many of us can say with precise detail the circumstances by which we will die? Jesus’ persecution, trial and manner of death were all foretold. His miracles were foretold. It was even foretold what people would say to him as he hung upon the cross.
What else has God foretold? We would do well to know. How will his kingdom be established and how will his righteousness come upon the earth? We proclaim each week the unfolding truth of God’s word:
Christ has died.
Yes. We know this and seek to follow in his footsteps.
Christ has risen.
Yes. We celebrate this and hope for our own resurrection.
Christ will come again.
Really? Can we say that with the same assurance that we have when we proclaim that he came and rose from the grave? Do we know what the scriptures have to say regarding his eventual return? Shouldn’t we know, so that we will be able to receive him? So many missed him when he first came, but the word of God says that when he comes again, EVERY eye shall see him and EVERY tongue proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord!

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